Logo for The Inclusive Learning Exchange

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This project is funded by
CANARIE Inc. - Learning Program

Adaptive Technology Resource Centre
Web site hosted by the
Adaptive Technology Resource Centre


1 Project TILE


1.1 Project Management and Communication


1.1.1 Project management and coordination

The project will be managed by overall manager of the project, a technical lead and an administrative coordinator.

1.1.2 Project Website

Deliverable: An external and internal project web site will be created for communication and dissemination purposes.

1.1.3 Partner Communication tools

Deliverable: An accessible synchronous chat program, listserve and collaborative workspace will be created to facilitate partner communication.

1.1.4 Coordinated Time Sheet System

Deliverable: A coordinated Time sheet System will be created to streamline financial reporting

1.1.5 Project Reporting and Progress Tracking System

Deliverable: Administrative Tools will be created to allow streamlined project coordination and reporting

1.1.6 Risk Management Plan

Deliverable : A risk management plan will be authored and updated as necessary.

1.1.7 Quarterly Reports

Deliverable: Quarterly Reports will be generated according to Canarie guidelines

1.1.8 Final Reports

Deliverable: Following completion of the project a final report will be completed according to Canarie guidelines

1.2 Repository design and architecture


1.2.1 Core Architecture Design

Deliverable: Core classes necessary to support the Repository will be designed.

1.2.2 Functional Specifications

Deliverable: Functional specifications for the repository will be drafted with participation of all relevant partners. These will encompass support for functionality identified in the authoring tool and web interface specifications. Iterative revisions of the functional specifications will occur as functionality is prototyped and evaluated.

1.2.3 Technical coordination planning

As the LOR development is dependent and linked to development by a number of groups, the TILE technical lead will coordinate with relevant partners within and outside the project.

1.2.4 Technical Specifications

Deliverable: Final functional specifications for the LOR will be interpreted into technical specifications and a technical implementation plan.

1.2.5 Database Schema

Deliverable: The XML schema for the database and associated API will be developed.

1.2.6 Communication with authoring tools

Deliverable: Communication with the authoring tool developed in this project will be developed through the creation of authoring tool APIs.

Communication with authoring tools developed by other partners will be investigated."

1.2.7 Communication with browsing tools

Deliverable: Communication with the browsing interface will be developed through the creation and implemenation of a browsing interface API

1.2.8 Server structure and functionality

Deliverable: Barrierfree code will be redesigned to implement the new schema representation and new media types.

1.2.9 Query System

Deliverable: A Query interface will be designed, prototyped and finalized following evaluation

1.3 Repository Service Web Interface for Learners and Educators


1.3.1 Core Architecture Design

Deliverable: Core classes necessary to support the browsing tool will be designed

1.3.2 Functional Specifications

Deliverable: Functional specifications for the LOR browsing interface will be drafted with participation of all relevant partners. This will be an iterative process.

1.3.3 Technical coordination planning


1.3.4 Technical Specifications

Deliverable: Deliverable: Final functional specifications for the LOR browsing interface will be interpreted into technical specifications and a technical implementation plan.

1.3.5 Interface prototypes for iterative evaluations

Deliverable: Iterative prototypes of the interface design will be created. These will include interfaces for the learner and educator.

1.3.6 Communication with Preferences

Deliverable: The interface must transform according to the users expressed preferences. Code will be developed to handle this transformation.

1.3.7 Final Learner Interface

Deliverable: Following iterative prototyping and evaluation the interface for the learner will be finalized.

1.3.8 Final Educator Interface

Deliverable: Following iterative prototyping and evaluation the interface for the educator will be finalized.

1.4 Authoring Tool Design and Development


1.4.1 Core Architecture Design

Deliverable: Core classes necessary to support the Authoring Tool will be designed.

1.4.2 Functional Specifications

Deliverable: Functional specifications for the authoring tool will be drafted with participation of all relevant partners. This will be an iterative process.

1.4.3 Technical coordination planning


1.4.4 Technical Specifications

Deliverable: Final functional specifications for the authoring tool will be interpreted into technical specifications and a technical implementation plan.

1.4.5 "Support for Meta tagging and structural markup, and support for Learning Design Framework"

Deliverable: The necessary code to support metatagging and structural markup needed to comply with the Learning Design Framework will be created. This will be done in such a way that the author need not be knowledgeable of metatagging.

1.4.6 Support for additional media types

Deliverable: The necessary classes and UI needed to add and remove the selected range of media types will be developed.

1.4.7 Support for Accessibility

Deliverable: Accessibility evaluation and repair will be integrated into the authoring tool.

1.4.8 Acknowledgement Scheme

Deliverable: A scheme for acknowledging authors will be developed and implemented.

1.4.9 Integration with Respository

Deliverable: The authoring tool will be integrated with the repository, this task includes functionality and UI design and iterative development.

1.4.10 Integration with CQP and CQP Adapter

Deliverable: he authoring tool will be integrated with the Common Query Protocol and Protocol Adapter.

1.4.11 Transformation Viewer

Deliverable: A method to help the author view the possible transformations of the content will be implemented

1.4.12 **** Formative Authoring Tool Evaluations


1.4.13 **** SummativeAuthoring Tool Evaluation


1.4.14 Evaluation based revisions 1


1.4.15 Evaluation based revisions 2


1.4.16 WebCT Accessibility consulting


1.5 Preference Specification Draft and Wizard


1.5.1 Technical coordination planning


1.5.2 List of Candidate Preferences

Deliverable: A list of candidate learner preferences will be drafted by the partners

1.5.3 Prototypes of candidate preference transformations

Deliverable: Prototypes of the candidate learner preferences will be created and evaluated by users and educators

1.5.4 Draft specification

Deliverable: A LIP specification extension draft will be created to be presented to IMS

1.5.5 Proposal to IMS

Deliverable: The draft specification will be presented to IMS for recommendation.

1.5.6 Exemplary models of specifications

Deliverable: Exemplary models of the specification will be created to support the proposal

1.5.7 Preference Wizard

Deliverable: A preference wizard will be developed to allow learners to create a personal preference string.

1.6 Common Query Protocol and Query Protocol Adapter


1.6.1 Draft common query protocol

Deliverable: To allow communication between various LORs a common query protocol will be drafted.

1.6.2 Finalize Common Query protocol

Deliverable: Following review by Pan Canadian LOR partners the protocol will be finalized.

1.6.3 Query Protocol Adapter for TILE

Deliverable: To allow graceful degradation of functionality not covered by other LORs, a TILE adapter will be created.

1.7 Content Conversion and Creation


1.7.1 Conversion and markup of present partner holdings

Deliverable: Content partners including CDRTI, CLT, CERIS, NALD, SNOW, DFI, Ryerson, and TYP will convert and markup existing content holdings for inclusion in the repository.

1.7.2 Collaborative creation of new content

Deliverable: Content partners including CDRTI, CLT, SNOW, DFI, Ryerson, and TYP will collaboratively create new content for the repository.

1.7.3 Cumulative enhancement of content in repository

Deliverable: Content partners including CDRTI, DFI, Ryerson, and TYP will enhance curriculum in the repository.

1.7.4 MathML content

Deliverable: Accessible MathML content will be created for the repository. This represents a unique data model.

1.8 Community Building


1.8.1 Community Kitchen Events

Deliverable: To build community 4 "Learning Object Potluck and Community kitchen" events will be hosted across the country in Fredricton, Toronto, Edmonton and Montreal, hosted by NALD, ATRC, CLT and CDRTI.

1.8.2 Learning Object Classifieds

Deliverable: A learning object classified will be created to allow the soliciting of desired learning objects from others in the community.

1.8.3 Learning Design Forums

Deliverable: 2 learning design forums will be organized to correspond with Canarie Learning events.

1.8.4 Web Newsletters

Deliverable: A Web Newsletter will be published on a quarterly basis.

1.9 Evaluation


1.9.1 Evaluation Tools (ME-Online)

Deliverable: ME-Online will be modified to allow the assessment of learning outcomes for the purposes of evaluating the transformable learning objects.

1.9.2 Formative evaluation reports

Deliverable: Formative evaluations will be conducted throughout the course of development and formative evaluation reports will be created for the partners.

1.9.3 Learning Outcome evaluation reports

Deliverable: Learning outcome evaluations will be conducted with representative learners.

1.9.4 Usability and Accessibility evaluation reports

Deliverable: Usability and Accessibility evaluations will be conducted of the tools and content.

1.9.5 Summative evaluation reports

Deliverable: Summative evaluation will be conducted to evaluate the completion of the project objectives.

1.10 Integration into Existing Product Line


1.10 Accessible Adaptive Tutoring Systems

Deliverable: Adaptive Tutoring will integrate selective technologies developed throughout the project into their tool offerings. AT will also insure that their systems can communicate with the TILE LOR.

1.11 Dissemination


1.11.1 TV Programming

Deliverable: CLT will develop TV programming to disseminate TILE results.

1.11.2 News releases

Deliverable: Periodic TILE news releases will be generated.

1.11.3 Papers in peer reviewed conferences

Deliverable: Papers will be written for presentation in peer reviewed conferences.

1.11.4 Reports to decision making bodies in Canada

Deliverable: Decision making bodies such as Eduspecs, GOL, OKNL and other relevant federal and provincial bodies will be given reports on the findings of TILE.

1.11.5 Reports to international specifications bodies

Deliverable: Reports will be generated for IMS, W3C, CETIS, SOCCI and other international specification bodies.

1.11.6 Web announcements

Deliverable: All partners will carry TILE related Web announcements on their respective web sites.

1.12 Develop IMS Accessibility Specifications


1.12.1 ACCLIP Specification

Deliverable: IMS ACCLIP (Accessibility for the Learner Information Package) specification will be adopted by IMS

1.12.2 Metadata Proposal

Deliverable: Proposal for charter of IMS accessible metadata working group will be made

1.12.3 Metadata Extension

Deliverable: IMS Specification for Accessible Metadata will be drafted

1.13 Barrierfree Implementation of ABEL Project

The Barrierfree tools will be deployed within the ABEL project