PPT Slide
“Learning Is a Process, Not an Object”
The LOR in Canada:Accomplishments since 2000
Learning Object Theory Discourse and Debate
Learning Object Theory Discourse and Debate cont...
What have we e-learned?
What have we re-learned?
Learning is a Process,not an Object
The Objects are not the most important part of the equation.
Objects are useful, but not the most useful resource for educators
Size Does Not Matter
It’s not how we piece it but how we clothe it or layer it
How we take things apartnot How we put them together
The Learner Makes the Connections
The Media does not Matter
We gain by giving things away
Each learner learns differently
Disability in Learning Context
Accessibility =
International Specification Development
AccessForAll Element
IMS Accessibility Agenda
TILE Demo….….
The most important work is yet to come
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