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TILE Potluck Curriculum Resources

November 14, 2003

SCIENCE AS A WAY OF KNOWING: Understanding the Fur Trade in Canada

Learning Objective

By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to locate relevant information about the impact of the fur trade on Canada's Native people, using a variety of online resources.


Suggested Learning Outcomes:

Learn about geography
Learn about the Fur Trade in Canada
Learn about scientific knowledge and what is termed “local knowledge”
Learn how scientific knowledge intersects with local knowledges
Learn how to apply local knowledges to scientific knowledge and vice versa
Learn about cultural differences
Learn about the history of the Idaa trail
Learn how to find and evaluate information on the Web

Key Terms:

Scientific truth; Consensus; Standardization; Equivalences; Technical devices; Social strategies; Technosciences; Localness

Learning Activities:

Learn about the Idaa trail and about Native peoples’ reactions to the Fur Trade;
Learn how to locate and evaluate relevant online information, and add this to a list of links for the class to share.

Online Information for the Learning Objectives/Activities